sabato 5 luglio 2014

"Ochiul Boului," the bull's eye, the landfill scariest Romania

The Camorra door hidden waste from Campania to Romania. Ship Via: Naples, Dardanelles, to the port of Constanza on the Black Sea Here are all the men and the companies involved in the business of poisons

The monster hath awakened. Roars again "Ochiul Boului," the bull's eye, the landfill scariest Romania. Roars from Naples hath found when covered again from the waste. Here at Glina fear could return the danger Italian, containers of trash bell run by the mafia.The money in the game are many. And the formal contracts with the North disposers do not make it to the Italian mob as those cruises poisons. It would not be the first time that the cargo here illegally discharging garbage destined elsewhere. Nor that the ideas behind a legal operation the mafia. So much so, that once the waste land in Romania no longer find them. They end up buried under these monsters they call "Groapa", the body which extends for tens of hectares, decayed by decades of accumuli. The lake in Glina is gone. The campaign is contaminated. The water is black. The 'garbage in Bucharest, layer upon layer, has become high as the hills south-east of the capital up to suck the village. People who breathe the stench from 1976, when the former communist leader Nicolae Ceausescu decided to stow waste here in Bucharest. How Glina there are a myriad of other landfills scattered in the South of Legal and illegal. And to manage them, behind the facade of the Romanian society, there are Italians.
The latter phenomenon is alarming Interpol is flourishing under the Carpathians, a host of companies that deal with their bells waste. They are the ones who today are afraid that you're organizing the landfill here in Naples. The project, which jumped three years ago, quandoil business was run by members of Don Vito Ciancimino, who had won the extension of Glina, the incinerator in Ploiesti and a couple of big dumps in Mures and Baicoi. At the time it was an investigation by the Prosecutor of Palermo, in search of the hidden treasures of the boss, to pass through the border and block operations, forcing the members of the former mayor sentenced to 13 years for mafia association to empty the society and disappear into sieve Romanian law. Agenda 21, the leading company founded by brothers Sergio and Pileri, it has become an empty box. While ECOREC, the company that operates the landfill of Glina, was acquired by the group of Molise Valente, who worked in the former Yugoslavia since the eighties. Some years ago they decided to play their first game on waste by implementing a modernization plan to transform Ochiul Boului in the largest landfill certified in Europe. Closing agreements with most countries of the European Union. Meanwhile, many of the tentacles of corporate Pileri brothers, who ran with Gianni Lapis and Roman Tronci the group of companies impacted one another, are still operating in Bucharest. In the trash. In real estate. In fashion. He knows the police. He knows that some acronyms have changed, others have passed into foreign hands, and others of Italian. Immersed in the sea of about a hundred companies dealing with disposal of these parts. It is a system where everyone knows everyone, "Officially, there are no surveys at this time on the trafficking of waste from Italy to Romania. If you all suspect everyone, here we stick to the facts, "the investigators replicated. Yet outside microphone confirm that the alarm is sounded. The garbage containers arriving by sea. And they easily pass the borders colander to the Constanza Port. Or even from Odessa in Ukraine and Illichivs'k.
It is in these warm months, increased controls on the southern border and newspapers Romanians speak of "caracatita," the octopus Italian, the network of companies in a game of Chinese boxes they divide the new batch of waste, the green economy and of 'wind. It's easy to play it here, where the Mafia and Camorra have been established for some time. Suffice it to say that in the last five years have been arrested at least ten super-fugitive Italians in this area by Francesco Schiavone, cousin of Sandokan, the Camorra Mariano Pascale, caught in Dubraveni, Ignatius Nicodemus that operated between Constanza and Pitesti Vincent Spoto, one the boss of the Sacra Corona Unita. Meanwhile tripled Italian companies participating in tenders for new landfills and you have to Romenvirotec, the largest fair in the Romanian Waste.
If in the south-conquer the Chinese mafia and the Russians were organized on the border with Moldova to handle the traffic of toxic waste through the former Soviet republics, the strongest remain Italians. Those who control the north-west, the area of Bucharest and down to the Black Sea For them, the garbage is not dirty, but clean. Lava and sucking money from public funds. Bewitches the European Union, lavish funding to modernize the Romanian disposal system and fills the accounts of the underworld. And so the emergency Naples is a goose that lays golden eggs. Pay the government pays Brussels, all pay. Maybe they sign contracts with Italian companies and to earn two or three times, the same garbage ends up on the routes of the Camorra. Mixed with waste that in Italy you could not even dispose of. It is not science fiction. It is the rule of the Black Sea A business that makes it more of the drug after the country's entry into the European Union, even when the crime has made a quantum leap and hath been thrown on so-called green businesses "With the double advantage that investments are cost-free. It allow you to recycle streams of dirty money of organized crime in one country of the EU. And put them in a circle, "explain Interpol.
You are not likely to move only the waste, then, but the head of the business. The strategic basis of recycling that looks to the East. Just make a jump Saturday night at the Bamboo. It is the largest nightclub in Eastern Europe, a paradise of music and beautiful girls littered oligarghi and businessmen. The owners are two Italians who built a small empire in the Romanian capital: Cyrus and Joshua Castellano, grandchildren Pupetta Maresca, companion of the boss Umberto Ammann and first notable woman of the Camorra. A table in the VIP area I'll have to give them in person. You pay a thousand Euros to drink vodka commercial. Turn out Ferrari, Audi and BMW brand new. Why sex in Bucharest and business are inseparable mixture. On that track their psychedelic dance and even the billions that pass by Italy in the Balkans. But where can stow waste illegally? He explains that an engineer Lombard, last year, hath been heard of the game and tried to get into the lap of landfills. With the only result of being in hospital with broken bones, "Here goes like this: the Romanian society, behind which there is organized crime, obtained by the municipalities permits for landfills," he says in "The Express" . It is expected to Cumpana, at the mouth of the Danube. More in Valul lui Traian in Dobrogea and to Tulcea: "They should serve for municipal waste and businesses in the area. Instead, in reality it does not happen like that, because the system is rudimentary and in most cases there are not even the bins. The City pays, but the bulk of the stuff ends up in the hundreds of abusive discarche that arise everywhere. So companies to disposal officers remain million cubic meters ghost to fill with whatever they want. "
A few weeks ago the Environmental Guard is back in Glina. He stopped several trucks carrying illegal substances from Iasi. Further south have arrested a driver with a load of mercury. This is why the rubbish in Naples for the people who live perched on the dirt is a nightmare coming back. Just the garbage that President Traian Basescu opposed a firm no in 2007, means that if you go to Glina today or in the small town Popesti Leordeni, and speak Italian, risks his skin like three years ago. For a couple of months and Mihai Radu hunt all of them away from the landfill. And there is also Alin with them, a young Roma man who worked in the shipyard in Naples infinite subway. The same thing if you push south to Constance, where a myriad of illegal dumping break the campaign. They beat a journalist, a foreign reporter who approached using the safe conduct of the embassies. This is confirmed by the Romanian police and diplomatic offices. All in Bucharest advised to steer clear from those desperate. And let it go ecomafia the Balkans. Why is not there. Those ships dock not really. And those trucks that they feel at night download rot are not real. Concealed, as the waste that they bring, behind names and fictitious companies.

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