sabato 17 maggio 2014

The wear is by definition a crime so vast , and unknown .

The difference between the procedure for the grant , the guarantees required , the type of providers, compels us to speak of wear. In fact, the usurer / a neighborhood is something very different from " cambista " holding "shop" in the vicinity of the casino, the nomad family requires far fewer safeguards than the financial "degenerate" , the moneylender can settle for mafia interests modest if it is interested in joining in partnership with the business of the debtor. For some, the goal is multiplication.

The wear today has something ancient in the goals set in the violence with which it is exercised , in desperation when throwing the victims, but also has a lot of very modern especially in the manner of its exercise , in its ability to camouflage in keep down the level of public alarm .
The research presented here seeks to outline these changes , focusing particularly on the aspects of change from the recent past and , in a nutshell , can be summarized as follows: the wear is more of a criminal conspiracy . At the same time it has become a crossroads of other economic crimes from fraud to money laundering; a crime less reported also because of the fact decriminalized , because of long time records , which put the victims in a constant state of difficulty and blackmail.
What most worried about, from reading the documents examined , is the increasingly aggressive gangs and mafia and the Camorra in the usury market and , above all, the inefficiency of the judicial and the almost total absence of measures to prevent asset .

An analysis of usury in Italy can not start from a premise: the credit market is a vast market in which individuals and legal entities acting illegally.
The two worlds while away , are not per se alternative , rather than illegal acts as a substitute to the legal one , and this, in turn, is the area where most operations are reflected usurious . This leads to considerable complications in his criminal investigation because the "matter" of the object offense is entirely lawful and places in which , directly or indirectly, to materialize the daily operations of loans, cambiassegni , discounts , bills and other agencies are credit institutions . Money back there and start from there .
The wear is fueled by this normal and what makes it waterproof and submersible .
Of course the terms and criminogenic are several gradations between the exchange rate and the loan checks " to stop " or mutualist activity degenerated to a " stall " or "society" present in many public offices. Different is its danger to society .
To tell the wear today , so we can not start from a more general survey on the " credit market in black ," in which the wear properly so called, that is, the activity intended to expropriate assets and companies, is one of the the most important components .
Deserves a separate discussion , however, the vast world that is hidden behind brokerage firms and financial services . In these cases, however , it is necessary to distinguish between the demand exorbitant interest , usury and fraud in the strict sense . The latter phenomenon , worrying expansion in the last decade , is one of the most insidious forms of illegal economic activity, because it plays on the confidence that can feed a needy person in respect of a legal structure seemingly impersonal and visibly publicized in the media ( print or television stations ) . The loans of some brokerage firms are never large entity and the interest rates early enough tolerable , the mechanism of wear or fraud clicks on the calculation of the rate of interest that is not to scale but never fixed , assommato obligation to purchase of an additional service so onerous and unnecessary .
In this regard it is appropriate to mention the various steps that lead to the fall of a subject in the circuit usurer . Although each story is different and varied are the grounds on which the potential victim to cross the threshold of tolerability of debt, can also be identified some common traits . And ' no doubt that at the root of the phenomenon there is a financial hardship , most often temporary and poorly managed , accompanied by an underestimation of the risks involved in using the illegal market of the loan to " choke " .
In every story there is wear , always , an urgent need of cash, sometimes to avoid a protest , others to honor a debt that has already been delayed several times , a need that has not been able to cope. The small business , in fact, unlike large companies , can not anticipate and manage crises , often faced with too much ease and without having any serious programming skills , acting only on short-term . It is clear that these situations, physiological in the movement of a business, taking a structural crisis when the company became more frequent , until it becomes pathological in a situation of economic stagnation , decline in consumption and sales.
The need for money , as you will see later , it is always tied to small sums , and for these reasons the use of " illegal loan " appears in some as a viable option to exit a time of financial difficulty .
From this methodological approach , which identifies usury as part of the broader phenomenon of " black market " of money , it is fundamental to define an interpretative model to analyze the different types of lenders and borrowers , distinguishing two broad areas :
1. Lending to households and micro enterprises in difficulties , ( usury " neighborhood ", " between suppliers and customers," " work environment " ), which by the end of the proceeds of an annuity is a parasitic and gradually decreasing share of the market, nevertheless still present and strong ;

2 . Wear structured , or the provision of money aimed at plunder entrepreneurs in their productive assets , such as those in private (business, real estate, inheritance) . In this second group we can include also the gamblers.

Assuming this point of view the wear - we repeat - is a component part in the segments ABC , ( Neighbourhood loans , loan providers of goods and odious among traders , mutual degenerate activity ) , and the total in the activity - DEF (groups of common crime on a local basis , professionalised networks , mafia-type organization ) .
For each segment, changing interest rates , collateral requirements , the criminal implications of transactions.
The difference between the two macro- areas is substantial. In the first form coexist forms of micro- credit and livelihood , sometimes familistic . Victim and executioner share the same social environment , they have the same range of values ​​coexist in the same space whether it is the local market , or the large suburban tower block , or public office . In this area, the wear has archaic features . And ' practiced by a loan shark - parasite whose sole purpose is to gain as much as possible on the liquidity of an individual , on the renewal of checks, pretending to settle for a jewel, a gold watch, even lingerie family to grant an extension , renewal .
Wear structured , however, concerns only the criminal mafia and not , essentially pointing to the assets of the unfortunate . These groups consist of at least a dozen of participants with defined tasks . They are not available to " renew " the maturities of checks, ask for collateral shares of companies , powers of attorney to sell, compromise of buying homes and property. What links to the complete stripping of the victims. The goal is to " guarantee formal or impersonal ." The "free rider " is transformed into "investment" .
As you can imagine the negative effects of this second tranche of the loan sharks are far more serious and fall on the economy and employment , affecting freedom of enterprise and competitive relations .
Even the origin of the capital "investing" is different. In the first case it comes to reinvest savings , cash , the proceeds of petty crime . In the second , the proceeds are children of other crimes: gambling , receiving stolen goods , to the proceeds of extortion and money laundering , or the management of capital on behalf of the mafia. For these reasons, the prevention and suppression of corruption must act on both men criminal association on the assets and accumulated assets .
The segmentation proposed here does not exhaust all types of providers . Indeed in the magma wear old and new typings and loan providers intertwine , merge , evolve . Each victim holds to be more relationships with different characters , even when they do not act in combination with each other , though you know and are run according to the " customers."
For these reasons, further simplification is likely to trivialize a complex phenomenon and difficult to define , but it is equally true that the simplifications help to better understand the dynamics going on, especially after the approval of Law 108/96 .

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