venerdì 30 maggio 2014

Bradley Manning claims to be a patriot and has admitted to having divulged information that the world needed to know .

A soldier , Bradley Manning, the whistleblower Wikileaks , is right now tortured in a U.S. military prison . ( In the Marine Corps base in Quantico , Virginia) . For collusion with the enemy. (Law of 1917 on espionage that allows you to blame anyone wishing to prejudice the United States). Undergoes a complete isolation that can lead to madness, with permission cropped and newspapers for air , completely naked and covered with insults by other inmates. It is in total solitary confinement , without bedding, without physical exercises and subjected to severe physical and cruel humiliations . Bradley is still waiting to be tried for divulging military documents "secrets" to WikiLeaks , including a video of U.S. soldiers massacring Iraqi civilians . Obviously his inhuman treatment is part of a campaign of intimidation to silence any informants and to suppress WikiLeaks .

A CIA report in 2004 said that nudity , such as sleep deprivation and dietary manipulation , serve to put the prisoner in a condition such that " learns to spend his well-being and needs the information immediately before that conceals . "

The U.S. government is divided on this and stalls , diplomats publicly criticizing the military for the treatment meted out to Bradley Manning, and could not be otherwise for the image of the country at war for democracy across the world,

Indeed , " The current president has pursued to date five people for denouncing dysfunction and for providing confidential information to the press ," the American administration (AFP) . And yet , Philip Crowley, spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told the truth , namely, that the treatment meted out to the soldier Manning was " ridiculous, counterproductive and stupid ." He resigned on March 13.

Bradley Manning claims to be a patriot and has admitted to having divulged information that the world needed to know . You may also be at odds with the approach of Wikileaks and the opinion of those who provided information , but the torture of Bradley Manning is illegal - in addition to not receive a fair trial because up to now has not been formally accused of anything , a bit ' like prisoners with somatic middle East Guantanamo - and shameful and constitutes a violation of fundamental rights of human dignity, for which we all strive , even in Italy .

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