lunedì 26 maggio 2014

Italian journalist , victim of the mafia.

Mario Francese

Mario Francese
Mario Francese

Mario Francese (Syracuse , February 6, 1925 - Palermo , January 26, 1979 ) was an Italian journalist , the victim of the mafia.

Francese began his career as telex ANSA , then began working as a journalist and wrote for the newspaper "La Sicilia " in Catania.
Of royalist sympathies , he was hired in 1958, the press office of the Councillor for Public Works of the Sicilian Region . In the meantime, began a collaboration with " Il Giornale di Sicilia " in Palermo . In 1968 he resigned from the region to work in the full paper  where he worked in the court record , coming into contact with the hot topics of the Mafia . He became a professional journalist was responsible for the massacre of Ciaculli , the trial of the Corleonesi , 1969 in Bari , the murder of Colonel Giuseppe Russo of carabinieri and was the only journalist to interview the wife of Toto Riina , Antonietta Bagarella . In his research he entered deeply in the analysis of the mafia organization , its spaccatture , families and leaders , especially the Corleone linked to Luciano Liggio, Totò Riina and . He was a fervent supporter of the hypothesis that one of Cosimo Cristina was a murder of mafia .

On the evening of January 26, 1979 he was assassinated in Palermo , in front of the house. For the murder were sentenced : Toto Riina , Leoluca Bagarella (which would have been the perpetrator of the crime ), Raffaele Ganci and Francesco Madonia , Michele Greco, Bernardo Provenzano . The reasons for the condemnation in the judgment of the appeal were: " The motive of ' murder ricollegabile Francese is definitely the extraordinary social commitment with which the victim had made a thorough reconstruction of the most complex and significant events of the 70s mafia "  .

In 2002 he committed suicide thirty-six son Giuseppe , who was also a journalist at the Giornale di Sicilia , which for years had been devoted to investigations of the reconstruction of the murder of his father . 

In 1996 he was created an award in his memory , the Premio Mario Francese .

Nicola Marcello Monterosso
Tonight I will talk about the work experience of Joseph French , of his lifestyle administrative , while reminding his great love and his great commitment to his father Mario .
After earning a diploma in Accountancy at the Istituto Tecnico Commerciale " Duca degli Abruzzi" of Palermo and have fulfilled their military obligations in the police, choice determined by idealistic motives , in 1986 he began his life of administrative employee at the Department of Regional Local Authorities, using the possibilities offered by the regulations for the families of victims of the Mafia.

His career began as an official Regional Office of Staff with the rank of clerk he held until 1993 , when it was the transition to assistant qualification , following the approval of the regional law that allowed the families of the victims of the Mafia to be placed in the role corresponding to the title of the study. That was the quietest time of his administrative life , in contact with a manager , Dr . Peter Messineo , its first director , who also died recently in similar tragic circumstances , which until very recently in our occasional meetings remembered for his exemplary conduct as a person of integrity , respectful of the law and persevering in the work as well as animated by a deep sense of justice.

Dr. Joseph never forgot . Messineo and always remembered with nostalgia, as he was able to appreciate the dr. Dionisio , who called to operate in the CEE group , an office that was supposed to be the flagship dell'Assessorato but, much to the frustration of the young , for mysterious reasons were never took off . Even that executive officials sought in fact , those for whom it can count for commitment , transparency and professionalism , qualities certainly different from those of " political soldier " and " Shepherd ", so alien to the ideas of Joseph firmament of French .

After so busy and have begun to treat a number of reports, after attending a training course organized by the Administration itself , was replaced and transferred to the working group that dealt with the institutions of Service and Private Charity . In this office assistants , as well as having the task of Commissioners of IPAB , served to verify and examine the decisions of these institutions : Joseph always refused the offices of commissioner because he believed that the dual function is not sufficiently guarantee the transparency of the ' administrative action. Here the experience of work was very troubled . His reports , his remarks were often boycotted . I still very much the voice of French uttering these words: " I ​​have said many times ," Do not raise problems. " They told me to do well with white because you have to force to break my balls ? '. And again: " I ​​have received the attention of a user Catania accent of which do not even know the name , that by remaining silent and after an unusual and insistent stare in his eyes he asked me ," She ' Joseph French ? Yes I am, but who are you ? What would you like ? I do ? Nothing . I just wanted to know her physically . "

He continued his nomadic existence as a working group to another.

In 2001 he was transferred to the service that was in charge of operations for the area of child and as usual, gets to work

hard : in particular, is dedicated to the review of projects under Law 285/97 , relating to the promotion of the rights and the socialization of children and adolescents and , at the same time , deals with the survey on child labor in Sicily, the immigrant children and the phenomenon of pedophilia.

Start constant attention to the news about the abuse and child abuse . There is no newspaper column that chronicles carryovers relating to the exploitation of child labor that can escape his attention. But this time his efforts are frustrated , again each proposal, each project, each ideals are broken in the bud. Yes, because they are taking this assignment and also remove him as effectively and diplomatically by retracting an act aimed at the " pure contingency " of a general restructuring .

"I can not lodge in the pub not to look deep eyes of children of color who are trying to sell roses to those who hunt them with violence . And I, I also deal with immigrant children , I know that they can not do shit for them, in fact to be honest, since I have taken very little control over immigrant minors and the investigation of child labor in Sicily. So much so I could not do shit because I do not have the same work done as I wanted. Because the exploitation of children is convenient to so many . "

We are in December of 2001 , Joseph wrote a letter to the French and to the Regional Director General at the time, a letter that will never see the light and remains in the form of petite . The original was delivered by friendly hands , after the departure of Joseph, the new general manager . I kept a photocopy the contents of which I should read .

"In Sicily, as in other Italian and the world , the rights of children and adolescents are often overlooked and , in many cases, even denied.

Often, but not enough, are discovered cases of child abuse and neglect .

Occasionally you will discover situations of exploitation of child labor, which conceals a reality much broader and almost unexplored .

The advent of new technologies such as the Internet has increasingly become a vehicle for child abuse and adolescents .

That said, it would seem that this Department , intends to proceed in almost inverse trends and national laws that they would like more attention towards the " planet childhood."

In fact , officials in the group XII / Operations area child who had even worked with the greatest commitment to try to find solutions to create situations of minor discomfort for children and adolescents in Sicily , they learn today that the group has been virtually dismantled XII , giving the only doctor Genduso all those skills that held four officers, assisted by two typists.

That said , would the S.V. to evaluate the possibility of revising the provisions for the fate of the group, but we would say even more about the fate of children in Sicily.

We do not believe to be the champions of justice or to have magic wands to ensure a better condition of children and adolescents , we only know that we have given , and if you will allow him to continue to give all of our contribution and the maximum engagement .

We just want to remind you that this group has proposed :

§ an inquiry to CIRM on pedophilia in Sicily ;

§ contribute to the Surf and the helpline .

It deals with international adoptions .

It's creating a database on child labor in Sicily (in this regard is attached newspaper article , published in the Giornale di Sicilia dated 5.12.2001 ) , thus promoting collaboration with the sense prefectures , Department of Labour and POS , etc. ..

A data base on immigrant children .

Not to forget the Territorial Plans of action pursuant to Law 285/97 for the three years 2000 /2002, which provides for a total of approximately 77miliardi .

For the sake of truth , we must say that we find rather strange decision just taken but we believe that it was simply a decision dictated more by a temporary need , which forced the SS.VV. have to proceed in a very short time the reorganization of the working groups .

Officials of the Group XII / Juvenile Intervention area , simply ask the SV can continue to work and engage , today as yesterday, for a job in which we believe, that we love and support and will support always . Regards »

The years of administrative life of Joseph were always marked by a professional and ethical conduct above reproach, marked by respect and a culture of legality , the absolute transparency of administrative action , fair to action in a context in which to have ideas that do not comply to the dictates of " family policy " on duty is synonymous with deviance. A context in which not infrequently the boundary between the " bad " and " good " employee is mapped to an accession or less the whole concept of loyalty , which translates into complacency , which feeds on fear , which uses or who is subject to the clientele, which makes their apathy, who dismisses reflection, critical exercise of reason and who marries a " single thought " intended to dissolve any principle of equality , justice and freedom, instead of which Joseph was the bearer , thus conveying a "total quality" soulless , where the end justifies the means. Attrition for those who do not adapt , privileges and opportunities to those who obey ...

Then our friends and colleagues of Joseph wrote that if the " refractory " is an officer as one who has left us to a context cynical and submissive is facing a real " attack of treason " and the serious infringement of a wretched and miserable " esprit de corps " . Wrote well and shouted loudly that Joseph , as well as in the social sphere , disliked working in the arrogance and deference , discrimination and parishes policies and , together with these , the requirements of a daily exercise of power more and more antisocial and inhumane that rarely responds to the needs of the community and that confuses the satisfaction of a

each with the collective pursuit of targets to extort consent . We added also that consciousness is not always flexible or negotiable and that Joseph had certainly paid a certain fio for never succumbed to the lure of power.

His professional commitment , projects that sprang from this effort , its tensions were increasingly frustrated by the institutional sphere he attended .

He was a very sensitive but able to hold balances its principles. He never wavered in front of compromises or appealing escape route from his responsibilities .

Gave his work a unitary character that surpassed any rigid division into levels and qualifications. This was followed by the administrative act with care and interest, not tolerated exceptions, and it was always leaning towards the achievement of social objectives .

Joseph , an official of integrity , diligent worker , creative and at the same time brilliant and versatile writer had journalism in blood and he proved over the years by publishing a series of articles that dealt not only the story of the father, but they faced other cases involving crimes of the Mafia . But there is no doubt that Joseph devoted all his energies and a large part of his time to retrace the path that would lead him straight to the killers of his father. When the process was celebrated followed all the hearings until the close of the hearings and the formulation of the judgment which secured to justice the perpetrators of the infamous crime that you all know how it happened January 26 , 1979 .

So he said to the journalist Attilio Bolzoni in an article in the Republic of 4 September 2002 , in the aftermath of the tragic event ( which carry only a few excerpts ) :

"Sometimes arrived early in the morning , when the Court was deserted , and the rooms of young prosecutors were still empty. He sat on the wooden bench under the window even for an hour , staring at the wall, waiting for the magistrate who after twenty years had reopened the "case" : the investigation into the killing of his father. Greeted him , took out some paper from his bag , he told , he suggested, asked . He always wanted to know something. So since he was a kid. So when they had killed the journalist dad in the house in a winter evening [...] .

Joseph was still a child that evening, he was 12 years old. He was a child who soon began to know that Sicily fierce that had upset him and then that would upset so many guys like him [...] .

He began to collect all his notes and then all of his articles, he began to read and re-read all

his investigations , he began to "understand" who and why he wanted her dead father. The whole life to reconstruct father's death , the whole life chasing a nightmare. Until the end [...] .

It 's another "murder" of those butchers Corleone to Joseph, thirty-six years spent Regional Local Authorities »

Dad , " I remember your hands and your beautiful dark eyes full of goodness ," as Joseph began to write in his " remember " that you will find in the book that this evening is presented .

Yet as I mentioned the efforts of Joseph did not end in retracing the story of his father.

On October 8, 2002 exulting , we learned from the columns of the Giornale di Sicilia that:

'The Council of the Journalists of Sicily , meeting in Catania , approved the entry in the list to the memory of publicists, Joseph French , son of the chronicler of the Giornale di Sicilia Mario , who was killed by the Mafia on January 26, 1979. Joseph French has recently disappeared and the Council took note of its production journalism that denotes ability to conduct investigations with a cut typically journalism. Thanks to Joseph French was reopened the case of the murder of the Vice Honorary Corleone Ugo Triolo , which took place in 1978 , and was named a square by the municipality of Termini Imerese journalist Cosimo Cristina , who died in mysterious circumstances 40 years ago. Even the personal investigations carried out by the murder of his father Joseph French persuaded the Palermo Public Prosecutor to reopen the case. The process that ensued was recently concluded with the convictions of nearly all the defendants , mafia bosses of the Commission . "

I literally walls and Antonella tappezzammo dell'assessorato with clipping of this news that aroused the joy accompanied by the regret of those who had been his friend , causing the other hand, the dismay of those who had hoped to wrap it into oblivion.

On 3 October 2002 celebrated the thirtieth of Joseph. With Antonella , already after the passing of our friend , we decided to prepare something for that day , something that would break the silence and the general indifference . We wanted to shout to the whole world who was Joseph French . So we began to see each other every day, even outside in the street , sometimes in the company of Hegel 's dog Antonella and as we started to work on a flyer and distributed at the gates of the assessor us we informed on the latest contacts of Joseph, on the last his interests , taking up those writings which we already knew and seeking those who may still not know.

It was a requirement reinforced by grief at the loss of a friend and also galvanized by the extreme need to free ourselves from a company that size in those days was made ​​of silence , detachment, unexplained and unjustified reticence, perhaps because I and Antonella having been close Joseph could jeopardize the rest of us who were around asking a few simple opinion , picking a "normal " and " disengaged " information or entertaining a simple conversation . Sometimes silence suddenly broke at the hands of those who intended to acquire rumors about a person who had lived in that job and you were well aware of the vicissitudes and administrative harassment : a way as any to talk about it then muted, animate the tam tam misinformation or report it to someone.

We dedicated to Joseph as a typescript entitled " In Trigesimo of Joseph, recalling a fighter mafia " in which we rivolgevamo directly to him , emphasizing the virtues and ideals and making a scathing and realistic portrait of perverse administrative logics that had crossed its existence and that he had suffered .

We succeeded partially objective , as this was primarily a source of scandal but he managed well to warm the hearts , to promote some debate , at least the crowds , as well as to arouse the hassle of not a few .

Then he began again , and empty all of a sudden I felt alone and felt a strange sensation , as if I were a Martian , or rather a stowaway in an environment, that of the institution , adverse and hostile. I was not sleeping at night , I reflected , elaboravo , a thousand thoughts ran through my mind, and next to my computer writing about Joseph ripercorrevo some of his writings. As saggiavo its commitment to journalism, his investigations that had the flavor of the investigation, the terrible doubts assailed me . Meanwhile , Antonella was bad, it was increasingly in despair .

One night the phone rang : "Hello, Mr. Monterosso is she ? They Cernigliaro Security , I would talk to her about Joseph French "-" Okay, where do we meet? Out? "-" No. I'll see you in the Department "-" Okay I reach into my room . " My heart is inflamed , I was glad to have attracted the attention of someone and for a moment I thought , too, that the police had arrived .

Toto was Cernigliaro who worked Observatory on Organized Crime . Toto had the patience to listen to me because I travolsi with torrents of words and after being successful, at least in part, to rationalize my emotional drive , we agreed to continue to see us. There was a moment of suspense, because I wanted to make sure to win any suspicion that worked right there in the Department . thus, gl

i proposed to accompany him in his office. When I crossed the threshold of that unforgettable 14th floor I noticed that the lights were off and for brief moments both were enveloped by darkness . Then the light went on and with Toto was kindled the hope that Joseph did not fall into oblivion.

It was Toto, to conceive the first publication of "The reporter and the clerk " who together with Antonella Marino in February 2003 we dedicated to Joseph French . A tribute to Joseph deserve . That text exactly collecting all the articles written by Joseph and published on the Anti-Mafia Two thousand and on the investigation and the direct testimony of mine and we told Antonella commitment , ideas and passions of Joseph. The contents of this work , along with some tales of Joseph tonight are replicated by Toto in his new book that you all have the chance to read .

Meanwhile, Antonella , thanks to his strength of will and its renewed initiative, had collected signatures for the establishment of a documentation center for children and adolescents who would have to bear the name of Joseph French and that he should have their headquarters in what was the last his room.

Well, the door was placed a golden plate that brought that tradition . The Councillor of local press also took specific commitments with the French family .

These commitments were never kept . Two years after his death I , Antonella and Toto wrote a letter to " Joseph ", published in La Repubblica of Palermo, where ribadivamo that the commitment had not been maintained , "if you exclude the plaque located in the proximity of your room and subsequently covered with a plastic bag . One way aesthetically questionable, but very effective and above all economic , to hide the non-existent " Joseph French Centre " and the commitments that it descended to the Administration . "

Finally, the plate was finally removed in the fourth floor he saw Joseph lend his commitment official and exemplary citizen . It ' was then canceled a public commitment .

I remember that meeting with Toto Cernigliaro was for me and Antonella an opportunity to extend our commitment on the side of the anti-mafia culture and those legislative initiatives promoted by Toto saw us busy with tenacity together with a small group of colleagues in other Departments . This commitment was that we lived intensely , like a baton left by Joseph. That was in fact the 14th floor became the driving force of a thousand initiatives .

On 7 November 2002 , two months after the death of his colleague , gathered signatures together with Massimo French , John Abbagnato , Anna Cappiello , Emmanuel Catalan , Augustine Marrella , Louis Pintus , Hannibal Raineri , Joseph Tutone , Felicia Guastella and Vincenza Boar 's approval of a rule that would allow the family of John Bonsignore and Filippo Basile recognition of the same benefits of the families of the innocent victims of the Mafia, which tangible act of solidarity with them .


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