Operación Cóndor en el Archivo del Terror
The origin of the transaction must be sought in an alleged encounter , which took place in February 1974 , including some prominent elements of the secret police of Chile , Bolivia, Argentina , Uruguay and Paraguay with Manuel Contreras , chief of DINA ( Pinochet's secret services ) , in Santiago, Chile , but it was during the tenth conference of the American armies of 3 September 1973 the Brazilian General Breno Borges Fortes proposed to extend the partnership and collaboration between the various intelligence agencies to combat communism and subversive about every [ 5] . This deadly alliance between dictatorships was sponsored by the United States , but many think it was directly ordered by the government of Washington .
The transaction was facilitated through a series of coups between the fifties and seventies:
The General Alfredo Stroessner came to power in Paraguay in 1954.
The Brazilian armed forces overthrew the democratic government of João Goulart in 1964.
The General Hugo Banzer takes power in Bolivia in 1971 after a series of coups .
Forces loyal to General Augusto Pinochet besiege the presidential palace in Chile in 1973 , overthrew the democratic government of Salvador Allende.
A military junta , led by General Jorge Rafael Videla comes to power in Argentina in 1976.
Objectives of the operation of repression [edit | edit source ]
The official objectives of the repressions of the intelligence services were cooperating leftist guerrillas who operated in a rather bland against dictatorships (such as the Montoneros Argentine or Chilean Movement of the Revolutionary Left ) , but in fact was oriented and magistrate was vented against all manner of opposition political, social and human . Were kidnapped , tortured and killed unarmed students , journalists, intellectuals , university professors (especially the humanities ) , trade unionists , workers, mothers and fathers who were seeking their missing children , and often the violence was not limited to a single subject deemed " subversive " , but also extended to the family of this [6] .
The supports dictatorships [edit | edit source ]
Dictatorships are part of Operation Condor fruirono of the massive U.S. aid , in terms of economic resources , training, and military supplies , and preparation and organization of Intelligence . It also supported the extreme right , which in all cases helped bring them to power, and in times of crisis organized themselves into armed squads ( death squads ) [7] , to assassinate political opponents and leftists . Among the most notorious organizations of repressive right there were the Triple A Argentine and Chilean organization Patria y Libertad , both funded by the CIA
The coordinations [edit | edit source ]
In the area of the Panama Canal C.I.A. had set up a base for coordination and communication and used for the transit of materials, media , men, and the exchange of intelligence information between the various secret services of the states cooperating in the operation. Communications ( usually performed by telex ) were mopping floors , torture techniques to be used , methods for the removal of prisoners ( such as flights of death theorized in Argentina by Luis Maria Mendia and then put into practice by the end of the seventies ) , and information about clandestine subversive organizations .
The Coordinating Committee revolutionary ( " Revolutionary Junta de Coordinación " ) [edit | edit source ]
Meanwhile, at the end of 1974 , the organizations of the Revolutionary Left Movement (MIR , Chile ) , the People's Revolutionary Army (ERP , Argentina ) , the Tupamaros (Uruguay) , and the National Liberation Army (Bolivia) (ELN ) in turn had formed the " Revolutionary Junta de Coordinación ( JCR ) ." Towards 1976, after numerous defeats tactics, the JCR had formed an international structure to protect themselves from the actions of Operation Condor abroad. This task was carried out by the militants of these organizations abroad , most beleaguered Europe.
The discovery of the Archives of Terror [edit | edit source ]
Main article: For more, see Archives of terror.
In 1992 , the national Paraguayan José Agustín Fernández discover, during an investigation into a police station in Asunción , detailed records describing the fate of thousands of South Americans secretly kidnapped, tortured and murdered between the seventies and eighties by the armed forces and services secrets of Chile , Argentina, Uruguay , Paraguay, Bolivia and Brazil. The archives counted 50,000 people killed , 30,000 disappeared ( desaparecidos ) and 400,000 incarcerated . These archives , which are considered accurate and reliable , reported involvement in this huge crackdown and real extermination , even the secret services of Colombia , Peru and Venezuela. These documents , for the heinous revelations contained in them, were called Archives of Terror .
States involved [edit | edit source ]
This operation involved in the first place , the CIA , the U.S. Secret Service , as well as military equipment , far-right organizations , political parties and anti- guerrilla movements in South America . All of these organizations were used as a tool , in many states, to overthrow democratically elected governments as well as that of Salvador Allende in Chile
Were allocated substantial sums to complete this massive political level, because the financial stakes were high , given the wealth, especially of raw materials , of South America. The C.I.A. provided always support , coverage , support and money to the intelligence coup in South America , as well as training at the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation , and also in the United States .
France [change | change source ]
The French journalist Marie -Monique Robin discovered in the archives of the French Foreign Ministry ( Quai d' Orsay) original documents that demonstrate the implementation of a plan to create a base of operations in Argentina, the French military , according to which the French officers , experts in counterinsurgency and counterinsurgency , the Argentine military trained in techniques of torture and abduction of dissidents and political opponents . [8] The French officers were all veterans of the Algerian War , and practically trained in such matters. The collaboration went on , the seventies, until 1981 , the year he was elected president of the Socialist François Mitterrand. During the Battle of Algiers, the Algerian disappeared about 30,000 in the same manner with which disappeared the disappeared in Latin America in the seventies. During the War of 1957 in fact, the French paratroopers of Colonel Marcel Bigeard began to develop techniques that would have been passed on to the Argentine military , even during classes at the École Militaire , where many South American officers were trained and trained.
In addition , Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, French president , had , during those years, secret relations with Pinochet's Chile and Argentina of the military juntas . [Citation needed] He gave them money , men for training , logistical support and intelligence . [citation needed]
United States of America [change | change source ]
Henry Kissinger
The United States is fully responsible for the onset of dictatorships in Latin America in those years.
Any prospect of change in South American countries , with a view to a better balance and social justice, undermined the interests of many U.S. companies . Communism was feared, given that the investment Americans could be shaken as a result of the emancipation of the working classes and peasants . Among the biggest promoters of Operation Condor , there were the secretary of state Henry Kissinger and President Richard Nixon.
The U.S. political - economic doctrine [edit | edit source ]
The U.S.A. settled large amounts of capital to secure certain economic security , and " invested in dictatorships ," make sure you get a fat profit. The military regimes were dismantling the welfare state , abolished unions and pensions , thus ensuring even higher profits to foreign companies , which imposed rhythms and working conditions to the workers and peasants. The foreign companies forced , by the military governments their " vassals " , mainly to trade with them. Sometimes - the smaller countries - imposed monoculture . But more often the big companies resold to South American countries - at a higher price - the goods that they themselves produce .
Secret Service involved and / or implicated [edit | edit source ]
C.I.A. , U.S. Secret Service
DISIP , the Venezuelan intelligence service
SIDE, the Argentine intelligence services
DINA , the Chilean secret service
Anti-Communist Alianza Argentina , Argentine paramilitary organization
Alianza American Anti-Communist , Colombian paramilitary organization
Characters [edit | edit source ]
Richard Nixon
Michael Townley
Stephen Chiaia
Manuel Contreras
Klaus Barbie
Henry Kissinger
Luis Posada Carriles
Implementation in various states [edit | edit source ]
Argentina [edit | edit source ]
The Dirty War in Argentina, the military junta called National Reorganization Process ( Proceso de Reorganización Nacional ), was implemented in conjunction with Operation Condor. Between 1976 and 1983 more than 30,000 people were murdered by the armed forces and by the executioners of the dictatorship . [9]
The SIDE ( Argentine intelligence ) gave support to the Bolivian general Luis García Meza Tejada during the coup that put him at the head of the state. The operating unit Batallón de Inteligencia 601 Argentine intelligence actively participated in the coup , in collaboration with paramilitary troops recruited by the Nazi war criminal Klaus Barbie ( Gestapo officer nicknamed the Butcher of Lyon, who took refuge in south america) , and the neo-fascist Italian Stefano Chiaia ( terrorist refugee who enjoyed the protection of the Italian and American secret services ) .
Brazil [edit | edit source ]
Already since 1964 the Brazilian military regimes did their utmost with extreme hardness and violence to repress and suppress guerrilla movements of the left, much more active than in Chile or Argentina .
Giancarlo Capaldo - An Italian public prosecutor - who was investigating some cases of disappearance of Italian citizens (probably kidnapped and killed by the combined forces of Argentina, Chilean , Paraguayan and Brazilian ) , 11 Brazilian military accused of being involved in such crimes. [10]
Chile [edit | edit source ]
Pinochet's Chile , immediately after the coup, arrived Brazilian military "experts" in the techniques of torture , kidnapping and imprisonment of opponents and the dismantling of organizations declared illegal . The Chilean intelligence services were able , thanks to the organization of Operation Condor , assassinating many people uncomfortable to the regime abroad, such as Orlando Letelier [10] [ 11] . Pinochet, who also enjoyed the aid of the neo-fascist Stephen Chiaia [10] and the United States , which commissioned the coup of 1973, which came to power . [12]
Bombings and assassinations International [edit | edit source ]
General Carlos Prats [edit | edit source ]
General Carlos Prats and his wife were assassinated by the Chilean DINA September 30, 1974 , a car bomb in Buenos Aires, where he lived in exile. Pinochet and the direction of the DINA , in the person of Manuel Contreras , were found guilty of this murder, as admitted by Contreras . The Chilean Enrique Arancibia Clavel secret agent has been jailed in Argentina for this murder.
Bernardo Leighton [edit | edit source ]
Bernardo Leighton, a Democrat politician went into exile in Italy after the coup of Pinochet, was seriously wounded during an attack on his person, October 5, 1976 in Rome. A survey has revealed that the secret agent Michael Townley , as a delegate of the DINA , he met in 1975 in Madrid , the terrorist Stephen Chiaia and Virgilio Paz Romero, to organize the murder of Leighton, protected by the secret police Franco .
Orlando Letelier [edit | edit source ]
Orlando Letelier , minister of the government of Salvador Allende overthrown by the coup, was assassinated by a car bomb September 21, 1976 , while he was in exile in Washington. Once again, the responsibility has been identified in the DINA , in close collaboration with the CIA
In an open letter appeared in the Los Angeles Times December 17, 2004 , the son of Orlando Letelier , Francisco , wrote that the murder of his father was attributable to Operation Condor , or to " an intelligence network used by six South American dictators of ' era to eliminate dissidents . "
Five days before the assassination of Letelier , Henry Kissinger had quashed a statement from the U.S. Department of State, ambassadors wondered where the governments of South American countries to cease with the political killings . According to Kissinger, this document has been distorted by NARA , because he wanted to give the U.S. ambassador in Uruguay, another way to put pressure on the government of Montevideo , as he feared for his own life . [13]
Other tasks and projects related to Operation Condor [edit | edit source ]
Caravans of death
operation Colombo
Continúan surgiendo pruebas de la coordinación represiva de los militares en el Cono Sur usadas en las cortes desde Paraguay, Chile, Argentina, Brasil y Uruguay hasta España, Francia, Italia y Estados Unidos
National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 239 - Part II
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