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The Research Centre of war two kilometers from the U.S. base "Camp Darby " ( stuffed with nuclear weapons , according to official documents of the U.S. government ) , is guarded by policemen views 24 hours with 24 round in the chamber . What keeps this top secret ? From the documents of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers , Ministries of Defense and Foreign Affairs , an unmentionable truth emerges : a nuclear power plant United States of America, the construction of a nuclear bomb, the testing of a nuclear missile , the assembly of a motor Fiat- Ansaldo for nuclear-powered ships and submarines ; and finally , the purchase by the U.S. government of plutonium and uranium. "At Camen moved the first steps in the construction of the atomic bomb Italian " confirms the ambassador Sergio Romano . On January 12, 1956 at the Naval Academy in Livorno, was put into operation the Centre for Military Application of Nuclear Energy . The first results were visible in the following years . "
In 1967 the Government of Italy sinking into the sea , the first shipment of nuclear waste ( official data of the European Union ) . In 1968, internationally Italy adheres to the Treaty on the Non -Proliferation Treaty ( NPT) , but secretly thanks to the Government in Washington, also a signatory of the NPT makes nuclear tests in the field of war ( Alpha missile in Sardinia) and accumulates plutonium.
In 1961 he was transferred to the Camen here where it was equipped with advanced equipment such as nuclear research reactor RTS -1 " Galileo Galilei " in operation, officially , from 1960 to 1980 . « The reactor is a " Material Fertil Reactor " (MTR ) to test the materials necessary for the construction of other reactors . And just to reveal a ships and nuclear-powered submarines , " attests to the engineer Mario Pocai of Cisam .
The Report 1010 (3 September 1973) of Camen is eloquent : "Study on the possibility of using plutonium as a replacement for uranium-235 in nuclear reactors heat ." Like in the 1037 report (May 6, 1974) " Design of a fuel element for the experimental conversion experience Uranium- Plutonium in reactor G. Galilei" ; and the 1041 report (21 August 1974) entitled "Plant laboratory for the reprocessing of irradiated uranium ." And yet the 1154 report (2 September 1977) , called "Project of plant production of uranium hexafluoride " and the 1158 report (12 September 1977) , entitled " Storage of radioactive waste in salt formations ." "We've always dealt with the physical surveillance for various agencies of the Ministry of Defence - explained to me Andreuccetti Francis , director of the Center - the dosimetry service for all the armed forces , supply chain management and environmental control of the collection , conditioning and storage of radioactive waste from the defense . "
How are stored wastes and nuclear materials ? "I can not touch matters of classified nature . Here everything is under control and there is no reason to make public the data on nuclear weapons in Italy - replica Admiral Andreuccetti - We abide by rules of procedure . " But, then , Admiral, how many denials have been produced and are present Cisam ? "You have to see it. Take for good inventory of 2000 Enea . " Exactly estimates Enea, Anpa , Enel and even a report of the European Union indicate " 700 cubic meters ". During the penultimate Berlusconi government , Environment Minister Matteoli, assisted by his chief of staff Paul Togni ( former vice president of Sogin , the company in charge of " cleaning up the nuclear Italian ) , has never published - as required by the law - the ' national inventory of radioactive waste. The director of the Cisam then admits : "We actually have had more input material for our own nuclear activities of scavengers of nuclear power and , consequently, if instead of 700 cubic meters are not 750 know him say." But their numbers deepens the mystery , since national radioactive waste in the inventory drawn up by APAT , data Cisam attest to a reduction in " 350 cubic meters of radioactive waste ." By virtue of the special legal status of the military , this is not concerned with the state of nuclear emergency . Yet the report on "The State of radiation protection in Italy " , compiled by ' Aeneas before he switched to the management of nuclear Sogin in 1999 , considers " the system of Cisam among those to be secured , given the hazardous nature of the fuel used before off and radioactive waste products . " In essence, the Cisam is outside any democratic control and scientific .
The engineer Sandro Giulianelli already operating nell'Apat confirms: " Since 2003 , inexplicably, in the national radiometric and volume of nuclear waste will no longer feature the Cisam ."
In the order of appointment of General Carlo Jean commissioner with special powers to the nuclear (DPCM March 7, 2003 , number 3267 ) head of government Silvio Berlusconi lists the atomic plants to be dismantled , with subsequent storage of nuclear waste in a repository unique , but the act does not mention the reactor Galilei , nor Cisam , and is not even mentioned in Tuscany, between the regions of emergency because of the presence of plutonium, uranium and other radioactive substances . Where are the irradiated fuel elements for 20 years, disused sources and radioactive waste in the first, second and third category ? At Cisam are stored nuclear waste which we know neither the exact amount nor the safety criteria adopted for the protection of the civilian population and the environment.
That is not all . The judiciary opened an investigation following the submission of a complaint to the Prosecutor's Office. " More than a hundred bins have been abandoned for years outdoors . Contain waste and radioactive waste , " the deputy prosecutor finds Flavia Aleni . The prosecutor is satisfied - with technical advice - the degree of hazard . These are the waste products of two decades of manufacturing nuclear reactor medium power "Galileo Galilei" , which was launched in 1960 to warfare experiments and then officially off 80 . " The slag were there - says the engineer who filed a complaint - and by the time the containers have deteriorated . Some are rusty , others have obvious holes with the possibility that some of the material is released . Some time ago I moved to another area of the base. An operation that took place without any prevention . " The Prosecutor's Office has appointed an expert who has done investigations and produced a report , noting the site the presence of " radioactive material ." For the expert pointed out that the case " materials are in contact with the reactor and contaminated waste but also the processing, among which radionuclides uranium and plutonium. The most dangerous , because not only have to comply with very strict preventive measures - says the coach - but also their Disposal must be made according to stringent safety regulations . " According to the engineer Louis Boeri, a renowned expert and consultant to many judges , " this expertise has however omitted and minimized the real danger of nuclear waste ."
And more . Two parliamentary questions attest to the transfer from the arsenal of the Navy in La Spezia to Cisam , no less than 760 kilograms of cement and iron materials contaminated with about 2 kilograms of depleted uranium. Question , in fact , Senator Luigi Malabarba ( PRC ) February 4, 2004 (question no. 4-06049 ) , the Ministers of Defense , Health and the Environment , " which provisions have been adopted in relation to the carriage , at the CISAM San Piero a Grado (Pisa ) , nuclear waste , and that even taking into account the fact that the amount of such waste seems to exceed the possibilities for safe storage at the CISAM , as well as the effects of pollution on the local population . " The Minister Antonio Martino contends that " the acts are covered by professional secrecy . The materials that the author calls " nuclear waste " are , in fact , materials emitting ionizing radiation removed by the Cisam .
The small quantity of these materials is fully compatible with the possibility of safe storage at the picnic areas of the predicted center . " The MEP Elettra Deiana ( PRC ) did not give up and will appeal April 22, 2004 (question no. 4-09816 ) to Berlusconi. "The helicopter blades indicted for uranium , have been transferred on the sly , to be washed, the Cisam , another structure on which applies the most absolute secrecy ." The minister Martin (14 April 2005) confirms , among other things, the presence of " n . 1 counterweight blade helicopter consists of 1.8 kg of depleted uranium . " Have occurred since then, first and until recently , other transfers of nuclear waste ? The Minister of Defence and the Chief of Staff , are silent. According to official records were disposed of in the landfill Cisam discs of depleted uranium that had been abandoned in the dump of " Iron Range " in the military Arsenal of La Spezia. The presence of in landfills discs thrown on the ground , material considered to be very dangerous, it was detected by the technical advisor to the prosecutor of the republic Attinà , engineer Louis Boeri, who initiated the investigation into violations of the law Ronchi by the leadership of the Navy . The discs of depleted uranium are used to stabilize and balance the helicopter blades thanks to a specific weight (equal to 19) very high. In 2002 a group of citizens pointed out the dangers of Cisam : the delicate phase of decommissioning of the reactor would not be carried out according to safety rules and detects the presence of a radioactive graveyard in nature . The use of the alibi of secrecy characterizes the behavior of the military authorities . Moreover , it was never communicated to local authorities (municipalities, province and region) , the evacuation plan in case of a nuclear accident and the plane of the protective measures against radiological emergencies .
The Research Center of war was directed for years by an admiral and senior officers belonging to the P2 Masonic lodge the coup created by Licio Gelli , directed by Eugenio Cefis shadows .
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