giovedì 15 maggio 2014

Eco-mafia : The waste from Germany.

The confession of Carmine Schiavone did not reveal any secrets about the eco-mafia that had not already been discovered in recent times . The waste from Germany, the land polluted and poisoned the air are now known problems . He then told the ongoing process of pollution that would have caused serious damage to greet so much so that in 1997 the same Schiavone had realized that after 20 years of continuous poisons the earth, all would have died of cancer. In this regard, the site writes:

On October 7, Carmine Schiavone , boss of the Casalesi , told the Parliamentary Committee ecomafie details on 15 years of trafficking nuclear waste arrived from Germania.Il repentant reconstructs the system of subcontracting in the great works that allowed the disposal of waste . It gives the figures of the deal : at the time they entered into the coffers of the clan 600000000-700000000 lire per month. Then he prophesied : " In 20 years we'll all die of cancer ."

Those expecting big news from the statements made on October 7, 1997 by Carmine Schiavone at the eco-mafia commission chaired by Massimo Scalia and declassified , will probably be disappointed .

The statements on nuclear waste arrived from Germany , also ended up in the lake of poison Lucrinus on poisoned aquifers , have already been carefully examined by the magistrates . All that the repentant told MPs had also called on the courts and declarations have been used in many of the processes of recent years: in some cases the complaints and Schiavone have found evidence led to convictions , but not in others .

But to go beyond the judiciary , the tale of regret , his reconstruction of fifteen years of malfeasance and collusion , it is still compelling and disturbing. Schiavone says he was cheated by his own shareholders, initially , in fact, the trades were managed by individual boss and income not ended up in the coffers of the clan. It was only when the employee learned of the trips of poisons , that the gains came at least in part , in the common case : "At the time I kept still on the register - he says - which stated that, in the garbage, entering 100 million per month , but then I realized that it was actually the profit of at least 600 million to 700 million . "

Schiavone then reconstructs a kind of continuous loop of the scam. The Casalesi were involved in subcontracting thanks to all the great works from the rearrangement of the Regi Lagni the highway that connected to Lago Patria and Caserta Castel Volturno. The contracts were managed by large companies : Schiavone reminds Italstrade , the ICAR , companies and groups Ferlaino Cabib . The construction was up to the Casalesi . This was digging the holes were then filled from the waste coming mainly from the north. To bury them by an organization ' " military efficiency ." Schiavone also talks about nuclear waste and explains: " They came in trucks nuclear sludge from Germany ." Scalia calls for more details on the location of the stems and the penitent responds : "Some should be located on a plot of land on which today are the buffalo and on which no grass grows close to the freeway ."

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