sabato 21 giugno 2014

Italy's criminal curse

But acting like the mafia of the nineteenth century? What were its language and its codes? What differed from that of today? The look through the pages of "Il Mattino", a newspaper that was in the late nineteenth century and immediately proved interesting observation on the phenomenon.

From the newspaper leaked a clear perception of the phenomenon Camorra. Against a backdrop of rampant crime, the Camorra is outlined as distinct phenomenon, with peculiar characters very clear.
"Known" and "well known" are in fact the epithets with which journalists define the Camorra, while the courtrooms are crowded appear when the champions of evil life. There is therefore a closed group, distinct from the general violence, the group that is imposed on different areas of the market, both legal and illegal, using its main asset: the violence, in front of which the silence of the victims can be explained by fear.
Vicar, Hanger, Port and Market are the kingdoms of the Camorra in the late nineteenth century. Poor areas of the city but also the natural crossroads of economic activities, locations of railway, port, customs, fish and vegetable markets, the square of the goldsmiths. But if the neighborhoods are places of concentration of the Camorra, there is no doubt that the phenomenon is also present in the city "high" (in brothels and places of bourgeois social relations, such as cafes and casinos) and in the province .

From the book "Around Naples" emerges organization present in Casoria, Castellammare, Nola, Frattamaggiore, Herculaneum, Acerra and many other areas. But even in the territory of Caserta seems well entrenched, to the point that in an article in the September 6, 1896 states that destroy '"tangled skein of the Camorra would aversana titanic work."

Extortion is the main activity of the Camorra. The job of the Camorra is the taking of bribes lucrative market areas of both legal and illegal. Prostitution at public auction, theft along the arteries that connect the hinterland to the many city markets. Numerous traces of violence for those who are opposed to the "law of the Camorra" (recurring expression in the newspaper).

The game - legal and illegal - is one of the main areas on which to apply the tangent function coupled to the order of the Camorra, which impose themselves peacemakers and claim the "right of the Camorra." Prostitution and bribery on the earnings of women who are forced to pay a portion of their earnings "gratia of the Camorra, for the exercise of this protector is not wanted."

Rules and rituals, hierarchies and languages ​​testify to the delinquent group membership that never seems to hide, but rather flaunt his power. The Camorra does not want to act in silence, but instead exhibit their power in the territory; make visible aesthetically they belong to the closed group. The tattoo is a sign of recognition and belonging to the group, the plaintiff in the newspaper.

Yesterday and today the site of formation of the Camorra is the prison where the organization is strong, with a hierarchical structure and extortion activities that follow the outside and with external relations. Even the Camorra high (which will come out at the beginning of the twentieth century with the Inquiry Saredo) and the relationships with the policy are placed in the pages of the newspaper, especially in the context of elections. But one must always be careful when using the word Camorra, also used in reference to political patronage or arrogant attitudes.

FYI - December 21, 1896
At two o'clock on the night yesterday was led by coach Pellegrini Hospital and the municipal guards Cutignani Cocciolino, the affected Fausto Costabile seriously wounded in the abdomen.
The wounded man was questioned by agents of the hospital, after the dressings, declared that following a question raised in a tavern playing touch, as one of the drinkers, unknown to him, had been injured in that way.
In undress, it was noted he be one of the worst actors in the bad life pei multiple tattoos, doodles and judgments that were encountered on the body.
In the middle of the chest had a boat with the inscription: Failuccia - on the left thigh two daggers and the motto: Vendetta - another boat on the right thigh and phrases Death to the murderers. Death to Spies! - And finally, two hearts pierced on the left arm and the initials RAL and on the right a closed flower among other initials and motto my poor mother.
Of course, since he was able Costabile know anything concrete about the reason for the injury and therefore the PS investigated to clarify the truth well.
DAY IN COURT - April 25, 1896
In the July 1, 1894, certain Gennaro Giuliano, greengrocers, clothes dress party, was at the corner of S. Carlo alle Mortelle to the facts and waiting for her. From there, he spent some Nicholas Cesareo, in the company of Joseph Ramondini, both goatherds; and Cesareo, jokingly said a few words to Giuliani, of which Julian was offended, so much so that, he took a shot at poker Cesareo, while a racketeer, some Corduas Nicholas slapped Ramondini. What happened as a result of this altercation is not known with precision. But it is certain that, after a couple of hours, the Ramondino, accompanied by Cesareo, a young man (some Santaniello), his sisters, and his father, met with Julian and with Corduas, who were in the company of their other friends. These were later cleared by the Public Security appointed by the Musella Gennaro said Scassa home, Bigatto Louis said quietly, Francesco Esposito said'u matarazzaro, Pasquale Liguori, Vincenzo Liguori said Feffo, and Cofino Colitti said Casicciello, and all affected members of the Camorra.
The two armies came to blows; and, in the scuffle, Joseph Ramondini was killed, and was severely wounded Cesareo Nicholas.
What was the cause of this serious crime of blood?
With the basis of the reports of P.S. section of the prosecution felt that the killed Ramondini, it also affiliated with the Camorra, had been commissioned to avenge an affront suffered a head of the company, it also goatherd, and appointed four money; but, if he was not in charge. The company had decreed his punishment, and this had been entrusted to picciuotto, aspiring Camorra Giuliano, who believed to have a skill and so deserving of the high honor of becoming racketeer, had everything warp, with his companions, acting as the death of Ramondini.
And so, the Department postponed the indictment accused the nominees to the judgment of the Assize, to answer all authors and co-workers as murder in the person of Cesareo: considering only one of them, Pasquale Liguori, still guilty of murder in a failure of a person sister of Ramondini.
Yesterday at our ordinary Court of Assizes, presided over by the excellent cav. Pallone, has begun the trial of this serious and interesting process: and a huge crowd attended the hearing.
The sisters Ramondini Plaintiffs are represented by attorneys Cocchia Mirabelli Antonio, Greek; the public prosecution is supported by the Cav. Mazzola.
The accused are brought all negative: only Giuliani, the Edwards, and Colitti have agreed to blindside part in the fight, and all three point to which the perpetrator of the homicide Louis Bigatto; these claims to be innocent.
Julian is defended by the lawyer. Count Gaetani, Musella by the lawyer. Mellis De Francesco, Esposito by the lawyer. Luigi Agnelli; Ligurian Pasquale by the lawyer. Maraschi; Vincenzo Liguori by the lawyer. Chiacchio Raffaele; Colitti by the lawyer. Carlo Villani; Bigatto attorneys Sinigallia Leo and Dominic Miranda.
Corduas Nicholas, who died, was defended by the lawyer. G. Christmas.
How many witnesses are to be heard, the trial will last several days; and we will keep readers informed of the outcome.
FYI - February 5, 1893
In spite of all the repressive measures that the PS rigorously strives to eradicate, or at least to curb the low Camorra, as the ill this' grass, sprouts and grows more and more lush, appearing from time to time with some skirmish worthy of note.
The other day in a street of the Star, (according to the inspection asserts St. Joseph), via CORSEA, (according to another version), the ten-year-Nanninella, Luigi Torisso baker's daughter, who has a shop in the very accredited No way above CORSEA. 26, he found a calling 100 pounds of the Banca Romana; and naively believing that it was' na fiurella, showed it to some guys he knew who had made a shrine to the Virgin Mary.
Knew what two famous Camorra and admonished section Stella, Luigi Varriale, and some forty-Totonno not well identified, yesterday at about three in the afternoon showed up in the workshop of the Torisso CORSEA and bold asked the right ways of the Camorra.
The Torissa in at first asserted that the ticket was 100 pounds and that his daughter, believing she had a picture taken and put in his pocket; then condescended to give six lire Varriale that disdainfully refused, saying spettargliene ten a minimum, eg 'rule' and the Camorra.
Assured as an argument, the Torino, which was set in-law Joseph Agliano, turned to the stinging words Varriale, who replied in kind, and threatened to beat him with a stick.
Then the Torisso lost patience, drew from his pocket a revolver, and before he could offend Varriale pulled two shots at point blank range with one of which fatally wounded him in the abdomen. The Varriale fell on his back, in his own blood; to the other Camorra, fearing that he had also its part, snatching away, while the neighbors rushed the guards and inspection of PS
St. Joseph who arrested the Torisso also seized the murder weapon.
The Varriale almost dying, he was admitted to the Pilgrims where he underwent laparotomy. The companion is a fugitive wanted by the PS It 'held in detention also Agliano.

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