venerdì 25 aprile 2014

Somalia : Arms trafficking and waste dumping toxic refutes

Even the prosecutors in Torre Annunziata , through the investigation called " checks
to check " conducted by Marshal Vacchiano , commander of Station
CC Vico Equense , became interested in the affairs relating to Somalia , including the
such as cooperation , arms trafficking and the double murder - Hrovatin Alpi .
In his voluminous information generale625 , Vacchiano retraces some
events related to the killing of the two Italian journalists , starting from the period
ranging from 1988 forward, involving both politicians like Craxi,
Pillitteri and the Somali President Barre and especially the ubiquitous Omar
Mugne .
Vacchiano starts from the assumption that the cooperation between Italy and Somalia was nothing more than
the instrument through which both Italians that Somalis accumulated bribes
to provide funds with which blacks armi626 traffic in and goes to bring in
characters like Cardella , Cammisa and more generally the activities related to
community " Saman " in Trapani , involving at the same time the services
secrets that would confirm the covert arms supplies to Somali factions at war ,
624 "there was an American company, Brown and Root , run by former general and former colonels , who performed work for
the UNOSOM and I have taken away their work, because I worked directly . When Italians were evacuated , the
company Brown and Root has been awarded the contract , with a contract of one million and 300 thousand dollars. With Italians ,
Instead , I had made an estimate of $ 270,000 . In the end, I'm back in Italy and they have got the
supply for one million and 300 thousand dollars. " "If the American trucks were jumping on bombs and those non- Italian
jumped , there was evidently an informant and was not Joe Average . They knew that I was managing . in front of the
military contingents that made up those convoys were always my truck, with my drivers. when we
held a meeting with the Americans, at the Italian Embassy , and they asked me where were wrong , I replied :
you are wrong because you feel that blacks are all blacks while here in Somalia , there is a black, black a bit ' darker and the
black a little ' more white . Aidid you are looking for and you have a few employees who belong to the family of Aidid : as
do you find it? " 625 Doc. 22.0 pag.834 626 The Italian official cites numerous characters including Morocchino, Giovannini , and Miragliotta Zaganelli which
according to his hypothesis , drawing on their knowledge being "in the context of the security services of the two countries,"
had developed an autonomous activities of arms trafficking, clearly you could not forget the already
Mugne even mentioned which devotes an entire paragrafo.Camera of Deputies - 284 - Senate
xiv Legislature - Bills and reports - documents
Gladio and unspecified " informal centers of intelligence and drive to
special interventions . "
Making use of the statements made by the cooperative of Justice Elmo Francis,
Vacchiano arrives indicating Omar Said Mugne as a " trafficker of weapons
international level " , tying the illegal activities of the latter to
Italian cooperation and to members of the PSI . then the suspicions involving
Mancinelli - fixer that before his death, he released statements concerning the
role of some companies, entrepreneurs and politicians in Somalia through
funds were enhanced cooperation - comes into play a character
always present when it is diverted services , Aldo Anghessa .
Vacchiano tries to retrace his information on the period from the end
80s to late 90s , connecting the Crap , the decline of the power
Siad Barre and the need to obtain new supplies of weapons, which , secured by
members of the PSI, traveling precisely through vessels Crap .
Fallen Barre, Mugne would bind with the new masters of Somalia, or
Ali Mahdi and Aidid , transporting them to large batches of weapons that would then
distributed so as to one another warlord .
He then speaks of the Sultan of Bosaso ( quell'Abdullai Yussuf that raises the bar
seizing with his troops vessels that would violate the rights of fishing
of migiurtini , when in fact attuerebbero arms trafficking ) , Giancarlo
Morocchino ( reported " as an arms dealer of some significance ," which
" Supplied arms to both sides , but particularly that of Aidid " ) , and
the fact that " during the investigation that the journalist Ilaria Alpi was"
conducting in Somalia , she had come across in scandals related to cooperation,
arms trafficking, the position held by Mugne and Crap ( writes that
appears strange " to see that on the only notebook found on the body of Ilaria
Alpi appeared a specific question about the use of that 1.4 trillion
were allocated by the co-operation ", and concludes that it seems
Mugne absolutely plausible to attribute to the organization and preparation
of the crime, on the other hand " sources Somali and Italian at the highest level ... I suggest
as instigator of the murder ")
The Marshal Vacchiano dwells much in its investigation of features specific to the case
Alpi , although the investigation to him completely precluded, both for reasons of competence
( the crime occurred abroad is the responsibility of the Prosecutor of Rome ) and because at the time
hung in Rome , before another magistrate proceedings specifically dedicated to the dual
Although the investigation of Vacchiano spoken of in the appropriate forum (third part of the report)
should be pointed out here that none of the assumptions set out in the information he found solace in
evidence of relief , so that the procedure was completely closed.

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